Engage Employees

Health-Related Lost Productivity: The Full Cost Of Absence

Feb 11, 2016|

Traditionally, absence and disability management programs have been marketed with claims of increasing the productivity of the employer's workforce. The challenge is how to translate these programs and services into specific employer gains. In this paper, we explore the productivity loss caused by employees who are away from work for medical reasons (absence and disability). [...]

Educate and Engage: Connecting with Millennials About The Importance Of Disability Protection

Feb 10, 2016|

During a time when voluntary coverage is playing a larger role in employers' benefit offerings, it is important to find ways to educate employees about the need for coverage. A smart enrollment strategy includes outreach to millennial employees, who may not understand the need for LTD coverage. This lack of understanding can translate to lower [...]

Enhancing Productivity: Achieving More Desirable Return-to-Work Outcomes

Feb 10, 2016|

Picture a team with no game plan and a group of coaches who each address challenges in their own way as they arise. Chances are this isn’t a winning combination. Too often, employers take a similar approach when returning employees to work following injury or illness. For many it may be business as usual, but [...]

Worksite Wellness Programs in Small Businesses

Jan 21, 2015|

Spotlight on article published in Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine IBI Spotlights call attention to important health and productivity findings from peer-reviewed work. The research described in this particular Spotlight is authored or co-authored by an IBI researcher. IBI members are encouraged to obtain the original articles from the copyright holder. What is the [...]

Multi-Study Spotlight: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Business Cases

Dec 16, 2013|

Spotlight on article published in Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health IBI Spotlights call attention to important health and productivity findings from peer-reviewed work by external researchers. Unless otherwise stated, the authors are not affiliated with IBI, nor was the research executed on IBI’s behalf. IBI members are encouraged to obtain the original articles [...]

Multi-Study Spotlight: Influence of Poor Health on Exit from Paid Employment

Nov 15, 2013|

Spotlight on article published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine IBI Spotlights call attention to important health and productivity findings from peer-reviewed work by external researchers. Unless otherwise stated, the authors are not affiliated with IBI, nor was the research executed on IBI’s behalf. IBI members are encouraged to obtain the original articles from the [...]

Multi-Study Spotlight: Economic Evaluations of Occupational Health and Safety

Oct 21, 2013|

Spotlight on article published in Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health IBI Spotlights call attention to important health and productivity findings from peer-reviewed work by external researchers. Unless otherwise stated, the authors are not affiliated with IBI, nor was the research executed on IBI’s behalf. IBI members are encouraged to obtain the original articles [...]

Multi-Study Spotlight: Effectiveness of Workplace Health Promotion

Jul 23, 2013|

Spotlight on article published in American Journal of Preventive Medicine IBI Spotlights call attention to important health and productivity findings from peer-reviewed work by external researchers. Unless otherwise stated, the authors are not affiliated with IBI, nor was the research executed on IBI’s behalf. IBI members are encouraged to obtain the original articles from the [...]

Multi-Study Spotlight: Savings from Workplace Wellness Programs

May 23, 2013|

Spotlight on article published in Health Affairs IBI Spotlights call attention to important health and productivity findings from peer-reviewed work by external researchers. Unless otherwise stated, the authors are not affiliated with IBI, nor was the research executed on IBI’s behalf. IBI members are encouraged to obtain the original articles from the copyright holder. What [...]

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