Tools & Analysis

Tools & Analysis

For insights that drive towards the best health and wellbeing outcomes

For insights that drive towards the best health and wellbeing outcomes

Making informed decisions about people, productivity and performance requires quality data and insights.

IBI’s powerful and easy-to-use tools and analytics can help you frame the issues your company faces, assess benefits program performance and understand the health and productivity of your workforce. Use these tools to examine how your company is performing or jump-start a conversation around health and productivity with internal and external partners.
Access industry-specific benchmaking reports from the nation’s largest leave/disability database of 9+million claims from 100,000 employer polices
Create custom models of the impact of illness on a variety of costs including sick days, illness related leaves and presenteeism
Estimate typical prevalence, treatment and lost time associated with chronic health conditions expected in your workforce
Understand the disability burden including average incidence rate, costs, and duration of leave resulting from illnesses or injuries in the workforce
Project COVID-19 employer paid leave costs by state and metro area
Recognize how adherence with diabetes, hypertension, or high cholesterol medications reduces health care and lost productivity costs
Get analyses of healthcare, sick day, and disability costs for different conditions across different industries
Access industry-specific benchmaking reports from the nation’s largest leave/disability database of 9+million claims from 100,000 employer polices

Create custom models of the impact of illness on a variety of costs including sick day