IBI is the leading research and analytics-driven member association focused on employee health, wellbeing and productivity. Health and productivity professionals from multiple industries join the non-for-profit IBI community to access independent research, leave and disability benchmarks, analytical tools, data resources, and educational/networking opportunities to be able to strategically invest in the health of their workforce and maximize productivity and performance of their businesses.



For 1 Year Membership



For 1 Year Membership

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Contact Kelly McDevitt

By joining us, you’ll be able to leverage the following:

Stay updated on the latest research and resources to assess the impact of wellbeing on employee productivity and make informed decisions about workforce health investments.
Data Resources
Benchmark against other companies with access to the nation’s largest leave/disability database leveraging over 9 million claims from 100+ employer policies over 2,300 industry groups.
Leverage IBI’s proprietary analytical tools to assess the value and impact of your health and productivity strategies.