Presenteeism/Job Performance

Getting Insights on Employee Mental Health Starts with Organizational Culture

Aug 23, 2021|

Getting Insights on Employee Mental Health Starts with Organizational Culture Dr. Joe Aller, DHA, MBA, CPA Director, Analytics and Research, IBI Upcoming IBI research evaluating how employees’ mental health is impacted by the pandemic begs the question - how can employers proactively gather information on potentially deteriorating mental health while promoting activities supportive of [...]

It’s Time to Take a Vacation and Get Out of the Office – For Productivity’s Sake!

Jul 26, 2021|

It’s Time to Take a Vacation and Get Out of the Office – For Productivity’s Sake!Dr. Joe Aller, DHA, MBA, CPADirector, Analytics and Research, IBIIt’s the summer, and one of the hallmarks of the summer are family vacations, beach trips, road trips, and international travel. But what about during a pandemic?A lot of us haven’t [...]