Musculoskeletal Disorders

Patients as Experts: The Evidence for Managing Musculoskeletal Disorders and Pain

Apr 1, 2021|

Patients as Experts: The Evidence for Managing Musculoskeletal Disorders and Pain Brian Gifford , Ph.D., Director, Research and Analytics, IBI The workforce burden of musculoskeletal disorders and pain In 2018, one in four working-age Americans sought care for musculoskeletal disorders (MSK) such as back pain and arthritis. MSK disorders account for one in five short-term disability [...]

Dialing in a solution to help dial back health costs-the rise of telemedicine

Mar 14, 2017|

Employer use of telehealth technologies has proliferated over the last decade. While the diagnosis and treatment of urgent-care type conditions have traditionally been the target for benefits managers seeking to reduce ER spend—in the last few years the breadth of conditions addressed by telemedicine has expanded into areas such as tele-behavioral health and tele-dermatology—to name [...]

Webinar: Low Back Pain: A Major Employer Uses Guidelines to Manage Quality, Costs & Outcomes

Jun 10, 2015|

Up to 84% of the general population reports low back pain at some point during their lifetime. This webinar will focus on a recent, award-winning study of three different types of back problems at a major self-insured employer. Speakers will discuss issues key to developing a successful program focusing on illness/injury prevention, reduction of workers' [...]