
Cancer Screenings Fall Short of Targets

Jul 30, 2018|

Findings pose a challenge to reducing costly disability leaves for cancer In 2016, cancers accounted for about 6% of all new short-term disability (STD) claims, and were among the costliest to employers in terms of wage replacements for employees on disability leave. For cancers with proven methods of prevention and detection, and for which effective [...]

The work disability costs of 5 common cancers—Engaging employers as public health partners

Feb 18, 2018|

The San Francisco Cancer Initiative (SFCI) is a community-based coalition focused on reducing the burden of five common cancers—breast, lung, prostate, colorectal, and liver—for which there are proven methods of prevention and detection, and for which effective treatments are known. The initiative can serve as a model for municipalities seeking to build coalitions of stakeholders to [...]