Can Weight Management Improve Employee Productivity?
Helping employees manage their weight can pay off in reduced illness absences and better job performance. Based on results of IBI’s analysis of overweight and obese employees’ weight losses and gains over time, the operative term may be “weight management” rather than “weight loss.” Read More
IBI Addresses Capitol Hill on the Costs of Chronic Disease
IBI President Dr. Thomas Parry recently presented findings on the full economic impact of chronic health conditions to members of the Congressional Wellness Caucus in Washington D.C. Other speakers included the Honorable Erik Paulsen of the U.S. House of Representatives (R-MN). Presentations from the event are now available on IBI’s website. Read More
Wanted: Your Expertise on Developing a Healthy, Productive Labor Force
An IBI member from the Detroit Regional Chamber recently asked us if we had any information on promoting a health, productive labor force. We put the word out to the experts in the IBI community and are collecting responses to share. Read More
Multi-Study Spotlight: Quality of Working Life Issues of Employees with a Chronic Physical Disease: A Systematic Review
This new addition to the IBI Knowledge Bank is a systematic review of 16 peer-reviewed articles on factors that affect the quality of working life for employees with chronic illness. The reviewers summarized factors that influence workers’ quality of life and improve return-to-work and work continuation. Read More