
Pre-Conference Session 1 - Georgian Room

A Fresh Look at Using Data to Drive Organizational Change

Dr. Bruce Sherman, Assistant Clinical Professor,
Case Western Reserve University

Dr. Bruce Sherman will explore how one critical variable continues to be missing from the HR strategic equation in most organizations--the health and wellbeing of the employees. The evidence for the impact of health and wellbeing issues on all the dimensions of workplace performance--physical, mental, and psychosocial--is substantial and growing. Yet most companies fail to see health as a vital part of human capital, just likes skills and motivation. Making and acting upon the connection between health and productivity is an exciting new opportunity for HR professionals if they will seize it--bringing their understanding of the nature and needs of the changing work force to help guide the best investments in employee health as measured by gains in business performance.


Pre-Conference Session 2 - Elizabethan B

Transformation to Optimize People, Productivity and Performance: Driving Change Through Innovation

Gary Earl, Founder, Gary Earl Health, LLC

The past three decades have seen a dramatic rise in the percent of the population diagnosed with chronic disease such as diabetes and hypertension. The incidence of these health conditions, compounded with other serious health issues, including obesity and stress, continue to increase year over year. They are eroding our nation’s overall health status and driving health care costs steadily upward at unsustainable levels. Reducing the avoidable costs, while simultaneously addressing the natural and unnatural causes associated with these conditions, is critical in meeting the twin challenges of promoting affordable health care and fostering continued economic growth. We have a choice: continue along the pathway of the status quo in the workplace and community or alter it by modifying our behaviors while focusing on optimizing people, productivity and performance.

Join us as together we both review and consider the power and potential that comes though emerging, collaborative and inn