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Translating Big Data To Personalized Outreach: Innovation In Proactive Mental Health Management

Jul 12, 2017|

Description: In this presentation, a representative from University of Pittsburgh Medical Centers (UPMC) along with a research team will describe a unique, integrated approach to support employees, illustrating how the newest Big Data capabilities are revolutionizing the ability to tailor outreach to individual employee needs. Specifically, presenters will describe a successful approach to support [...]

Behavioral Health and its Impact on Productivity and the Workplace

Feb 15, 2016|

Fikry Isaac, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Health and Wellness Solutions, Johnson & Johnson Robert Carr, M.D., Director, Executive Master’s Program in Health Systems Administration, Georgetown University Patricia Purdy, Vice President of Global Employer Solutions, Pacific Resources Kimberly George, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development, M&A, and Healthcare, Sedgwick